Pros and Cons of Living in a City

When deciding whether or not to live in a city, it comes down to personal preference, your desired location, and the type of commute you are seeking.

We’ll break that down in this full list of pros and cons of living in a city. Some of these items will seem obvious, but you may have overlooked others when deciding.

Pros of Living in a City

Living in a city can enhance your lifestyle in several different ways. However, you’ll need to assess whether your preferences align with city living and whether these “pros” mesh with what is important to you.


Of course, it depends on where you live in the city, but these urban areas are usually very walkable. This means you can access dining, entertainment, grocery stores, and more within a 10-15 minute walk.

Walkability can vary depending on the city’s layout. For example, Philadelphia was named the most walkable city in the nation in 2023, with a walkability score of 100 out of 100.

In addition to walking, several public transit options within the city usually allow you to move around without dealing with traffic.


There’s usually more going on in a city, and some prioritize that when looking for a place to live.

If you pick the right location, you could have entertainment options right outside your door nightly. This includes concerts, sporting events, festivals, or other activities like trivia night at the local pub.

Better Commute?

If you work in the city you live in, you will obviously have a much shorter commute.

Your office may be within walking distance, a quick bike ride, or just a short ride on public transit, and you don’t even need your car to commute.

About 20% of people who commute more than 30 minutes per day view it as a mental burden, so this is an essential point of emphasis for many people.

Cons of Living in a City

City living has plenty of benefits, but there are also some drawbacks. Some people overlook a few of these items, but it’s best to consider them before moving into the city. Let’s look at some of the common “cons” of living in a city.


Some people don’t realize or forget that parking is a big deal in the city. You’ll need a place to park your car(s), and that can be pricey if you pay a monthly fee at a garage.

Some places in the city only offer street parking, too, which means you aren’t necessarily guaranteed a spot. Parking can be a luxury in the city, and it often comes at an additional cost.

Traffic Congestion

Let’s face it: traffic in the city can be a headache. That’s why you will want to check the boxes above and consider your commute and if your basic needs are covered within walking distance.

Being stuck in traffic every day can be draining. However, you’ll get used to navigating the city with the traffic in a few weeks, so don’t be intimidated alone if you aren’t used to it.

Overall Noise Levels

Some people don’t mind the noise, and others like it. You’ll need to consider whatever side of the fence you are on before moving into the city.

Noise can come from traffic, people, construction, sirens, etc. If you live in an apartment, condo, or townhouse, you’ll also need to consider noise inside the building, as shared hallways and walls sometimes take getting used to.


When deciding whether to live in a city, it makes sense to consider the pros and cons of urban living. While the city can offer plenty of opportunities and a fun atmosphere, there are also some drawbacks worth considering.

In addition, you’ll need to determine the best place to live based on your preferences and lifestyle. Some people are stressed out by the city, while others feel empowered. Some love the “buzz” of the city, while others would rather opt for peace and quiet.

Understanding your living preferences is step one; then, you can consider the pros and cons of living in a city to determine whether it’s the right choice.